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Striving for




Active Travel

At Aughton Junior Academy we believe being active is extremely important for our physical and mental health. We encourage all our pupils to lead an active lifestyle including how they travel. We teach the children that switching more journeys to ‘active travel’ will improve their health and quality of life and also support the environment. These are ‘win-wins’ that will benefit individual people and our local community.


Active Travel Achievements, Events and Initiatives

We are very proud to announce that Aughton Junior Academy have achieved Gold Awards for the 'School Games Mark' for 2020-21, 2021-22, 2022-23 and 2023-24! The active travel forms part of the School Games Awards. 

Active Travel at Aughton 

We are so proud of so many pupils who walk, scooter and cycle to school. Some of our families park a little further away so they can do park and stride and we have had a new scooter shed for our children to store their modes of transport while they are in school. 

WOW – the WALK TO SCHOOL challenge

At Aughton all children in school from Foundation Stage to Year 6 take part in the WOW - walk to school challenge. Every morning the class teachers record how the pupils in their class travel to school on the WOW tracker. If the children travel to school in an active way e.g. walk, cycle, scoot at least once a week they can earn a different WOW badge each month. The badges have been designed by pupils across the UK and are made from recycled yoghurt pots. You can find out more about this years’ badges at LIVINGSTREETS.ORG.UK/WOWBADGEGUIDE.

Miss Murray keeps an eye on the score board through the term and makes sure the children receive their active travel badges.

A few examples of how we promote active travel in our academy are listed below;

  • Bling Your Bike
  • Dr Bike
  • Storage for Bikes and Scooters
  • Educational Walks in the local community
  • Balance Bike skills
  • Scooter Skills Sessions
  • Y6 Crucial Crew
  • Sporting fixtures with other schools