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Striving for





"AJA is an inclusive and caring environment. My child is happy and feels safe at school because staff have taken the time to understand his needs. We have also felt welcomed and reassured as SEND parents - we are kept up to date with our child’s progress and wellbeing at school. The support that is in place for our child is reviewed regularly and we are actively involved in these discussions. The school team - from the headteacher, sendco, class teacher and TAs are friendly, approachable and always available to listen and help - thank you for all that you do! " - parent voice 2024

Statement of SEND Intent for Supporting Equality

At Aughton Junior Academy, all children are equally valued.  Through our academy’s ethos, mission statement, aims, policies, practices, and provision, we strive to eliminate prejudice and discrimination, and to develop an environment where all children can flourish and feel safe. We are committed to giving all our children every opportunity to achieve the highest of standards.

We believe that educational inclusion is about equal opportunities for all learners, whatever their age, gender, ethnicity, impairment, attainment, and background.  We pay particular attention to the provision for and the achievement of different groups of learners.


We aim to provide a happy, healthy, and safe school by:

  • Recognising, reflecting, and celebrating the skills, talents, and contributions of all our children, so that everyone feels secure and knows that they are valued;
  • Celebrating diversity and appreciating and valuing the differences we see in others;
  • Through our behaviour system, high expectations, academy rules and PSHE lessons, ensuring that children take responsibility for their own actions;
  • Helping children to understand that everyone has the right to learn, be cared for and be happy in school;
  • Providing high quality pastoral care, support, and guidance, driven by the leadership team and Inclusion Leader;
  • Safeguarding the health, safety, and welfare of children with linked policies and the caring ethos of the academy, which permeates all we do;
  • Listening and responding to the concerns of children and parents/carers;
  • Taking care to balance the needs of all members of the academy community.

How We Support SEND

  • Aughton Junior Academy prides itself in being inclusive and will endeavour to support every child regardless of their level of need.  All pupils follow the National Curriculum at a level and a pace, that is appropriate to their abilities. At times, and when it is felt appropriate, modifications to the curriculum may be implemented.
  • To ensure our pupils achieve their full potential, the team at Aughton commit and agree to the following ideals, principles, and expectations:
  •  All teachers deliver high quality provision to meet the needs of pupils with SEND.
  • We identify and assess pupils with SEND as early as possible and provide a flexible and staged structure of provision to meet all identified needs.
  • We collaborate with education, health, and social care services to provide resources to meet the needs of pupils.
  • Teachers are responsible and accountable for the progress and development of all the pupils in their class, including where pupils access support from teaching assistants or specialist staff.
  •  All staff develop their awareness of special educational needs and focus on inclusive practice to remove barriers to learning with access to a broad, balanced yet relevant mainstream curriculum which is differentiated to ensure continuing progress.
  • All pupils with SEND are actively involved in the decision-making process and be allowed to express their views, wishes and feelings. These views will be considered when planning their curriculum, giving them greater choice and control.
  • We involve parents/carers as partners in the education of their children and provide them with the information and support necessary to enable participation in decision-making. We meet regularly with parents/ carers through 2 SEN reviews in the academic year and 3 parent consultations. If your child has an EHCP, an additional meeting for the child's EHCP Annual Review will take place. These meetings are organised across the academic year and one takes place in each half term to review the current provision and identify any changes or adaptions to provision that may need to take place. 
  • Pupils with SEND engage in the activities of the Academy alongside pupils who do not have SEND. This reflects their rights as stated in the Children’s Act 1989 and the Equality Act.
  • All pupils are valued equally, as individuals, taking into consideration other factors which contribute to learning, behaviour, wellbeing and state of mind.

The Academy’s SEND Information Report is part of the Rotherham Local Offer for learners with Special Educational Needs (SEN). The Local Offer can be found using the following link


Specialist Inclusion Team Teacher - Stacy O'Daley reported; 

"It is clear to see that the SENDCo and school staff have a thorough understanding of the child's needs and have implemented many strategies to support their learning and wellbeing. They have carried out a graduated response over a long period of time, through which the child has accessed various interventions as well as 1:1 adult support, designed to help in progress in both learning and social skills. Observations carried out reinforce the strengths of school staff in recognising the child’s needs and adapting provision accordingly."


Should you feel that your child may have additional needs or require extra support in their education, please do not hesitate to contact a member of our inclusion team either via the office on: 0114 2873091 or at

The Inclusion team

Sara Jinks – SENDCo (

Michelle Hartley – Inclusion Manager