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Striving for




Year 2

Miss West and Mrs Lambert

This art unit has been focusing on painting skills. We've been learning about tertiary colours, complementary colours, harmonious colours and specific watercolour techniques. We've used our skills to decorate the front cover of our Explanation text we wrote during English.


During Spring term, we have been learning and applying some new gymnastic skills.



This week, Y2 have been studying the artist Leonardo di Vinci and developing their sketching skills.




We recently enjoyed a whole school Design and Technology day, when we studied textiles. We researched existing puppets and how they are joined together. We have designed our own puppets based on a success criteria. Photographs of our product will be uploaded soon!


Year 2 have been studying printing for their first art unit. We made our own printing plates and thought about which materials we’d like to attach to them to make a print. We also made a print inspired by the pop artist Andy Warhol.








Y2 have been learning about photography as part of their Computing curriculum. They learnt how to take quality photos, how to choose landscape or portrait orientation, how to edit an image using Pixlr and how to spot that a photograph had been edited.


World Mental Health in Y2

In Year 2 this year our classroom and reading corner is designed around the text ‘Katie in London’ which tells the story of a girl called Katie who goes on a trip with her brother and grandma to visit the amazing sights in London. We took this idea and created a London themed reading area featuring some of London’s key landmarks.