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Striving for




Year 6

Miss Pegg and Mrs Hartley

In Year 6 this year our classroom and reading corner is designed around the text ‘Kensuke’s Kingdom’ a story about a family, that after being made redundant, set sail on a worldwide exploration of the sea. We took this idea and created a fisherman’s cave, with trawler nets catching fish and sea turtles swimming through ocean waves.

In Year 6, we understand that learning and progression is paramount, throughout the course of the year we learn and over learn many concepts within Maths, English writing/SPaG and Reading all in preparation for SATs in May.

Our learning environment mirrors with importance of learning and progression with bright working walls that are used regularly as a visual prompt, enhancing pupil independence and use 3 before me strategies; driving confidence and ensuring success.



We began Year 6 with some team building exercises, working collaboratively with our peers

Our class trip to crucial crew we learning all about keeping safe in the community, including; fire safety, first aid and road safety


Within art, we look at printing using stencils and printing ink